eBook: Ads Aren't Converting? Deliver Sponsored Content

With 70% of brands actively investing in content marketing, are you?
Content is King Ebook

Banner blindness is no joke! Publisher content teams are becoming a strategic partner for brands and agencies trying to break through the ad clutter to reach consumers with their message. You understand the importance of balancing user experience with revenue opportunities. The marriage of integrated ad formats on publisher sites offers content teams the perfect balance for sponsored content: high impact, limited disruption, heightened brand safety, and higher profits. Download this eBook to learn more about the rise of content marketing and the role publishers can play in a brand’s content marketing strategy.

Download the Content, theOnce & Future-Proof King eBook to learn more about the role publishers can play in a brand’s content marketing strategy.


Predictive Audiences 101

5 Reasons to Use Video to Reach Gen Z

Video stands out as the most engaging content medium among Gen Z

Content Marketing 101

Why Content Is Becoming More Reliable Than Search Engines for Consumers and How You Can Leverage This for Your Brand or Business

How content and social media is becoming the new reliable way for consumers to make informed purchase decisions over search

Content Marketing 101

How to Get Ahead of Holiday Shopping: Benefits of Early Activation

Maximize your impact during this festive season