Beyond Views: Driving Real Engagement with Nativo’s Video Solutions

Capture audience attention with Nativo’s expanded video formats

In today's video-driven world, standing out is more important than ever. From battling a saturated market to adapting to privacy-friendly targeting standards, advertisers are challenged to break through the noise while connecting with audiences in impactful ways.

The key lies in a strategic combination of high-impact video content tailored to audiences’ consumption preferences and Nativo’s proprietary, privacy-compliant technology, SPARC, powered by Nativo Predictive Audiences, which finds & delivers the optimal content, format, and audience mix.

Read on to discover which of Nativo's video formats may be the right fit to pair with SPARC for your next video campaign!

Outstream Video

Nativo’s Outstream offers a premium, large video player designed to broaden brand awareness and expand video reach across top editorial content.


  • No reliance on heavy headlines or preview text
  • Flexible placement to align with advertiser KPIs (i.e. within articles, newsfeeds, alongside other web content, sticky, floating)
  • High viewability video that only plays when in view
  • Expansive inventory and lower CPMs than instream

Use Cases:

  • Performance marketing
  • Grow brand awareness across premium environments
  • Repurpose long-form content
  • Use as a vehicle to discover brand perception by deploying with an in-video brand perception or competitive benchmarking survey

Native Video

Native Video is an in-feed, non-incentivized video placement that matches the look and feel of publisher content, driving qualified video views from engaged consumers.


  • Guaranteed viewable
  • Added headline & text when both are key for brand messaging
  • Fulfills native budgets & strategies

Use Cases:

  • Tell brand stories
  • Drive down the funnel by connecting to educational content landing page
  • Leverage addition of text to remain compliant (i.e. pharma regulations)


Stories is a high impact content-based format that inspires engagement with an immersive experience designed for today’s consumer. Scale content outside of social media with the ability to use existing stories (Instagram, Tik Tok, etc.) assets while maintaining superior control over brand safety and contextual relevance.


  • High attention - 100% SOV via full-bleed visual
  • Higher engagement and qualified site traffic
  • Increase brand consideration
  • Identify intenders
  • Available on desktop and mobile

Use Cases:

  • Engage younger or mobile-savvy audiences
  • Time-sensitive offers and announcements
  • Expand the shelf-life of existing social content
  • Showcase visual-first content
  • Reach non-social users within content of interest

Whether you wish to maintain control with a prescriptive video mix or want to opt for a run-of-network package optimized by SPARC, we have you covered!

Fill out the form below for an on-demand demo to see how your brand can leverage Nativo’s expanded video formats powered by SPARC, as you plan for a cookieless future.


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