Bridging the Gap Between Awareness and Action

Watch our on-demand webinar on how to use branded content to influence decision making.
Bridging the Gap Between Awareness and Action

Brand content has a unique ability to address each stage of the customer journey from awareness to consideration to purchase and loyalty. But delivering a personalized experience that aligns the right content with the right customer at the right time in the purchase process can stump even the savviest of marketers.

Watch these clips that detail best practices for using branded content.

Nurturing leads to determine value

Content gives you the chance for the customer to tell you what they are actually interested in, to make their own choice about how they want to engage with your brand, and “opt in” before the hard sell.

Build your insights roadmap

Learn the types of things you might explore in your mid-funnel content marketing efforts.

Content for the overwhelmed consumer 

They don’t exactly know the rules of the road. They lack confidence, are easily stressed, anxious about making a decision, and rely heavily on the expertise of others.

Content for the sensible consumer

They’re practical, reliable and loyalists. They understand the lay of the land and how to navigate it. They have an educated grasp of the purchase options and have the purchasing power to back it up.

Content for the early adopter consumer

They’re pioneers and experts. They are highly motivated to purchase, already educated about the options in the market and have a solid understanding of the product offering.

Download the full webinar, “Bridging the Gap Between Awareness and Action: Using Branded Content to Influence Decision Making,” an Adweek x Nativo webinar, on demand now to learn:

  • The three core consumer profiles.
  • Specific advice on tailoring tone and format to best influence decision making.
  • Exclusive research and case studies to illustrate why content is king.


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