Nativo Self-Service Campaign Quick Setup Feature Drives Notable Company Momentum

MarTech Series | October 27, 2020 Campaign Quick Setup makes native at scale seamless.

MarTech Series | October 27, 2020 - Nativo, the most advanced technology platform for advertising, today announces that the Campaign Quick Setup feature within its self-service platform has seen increased adoption since its implementation in March 2020. The feature enables quick and easy campaign creation, removing barriers to accessing native advertising at scale for small to medium sized advertisers and agencies.

Nativo’s Campaign Quick Setup feature has helped create nearly 300 campaigns for small and medium sized agencies and brands since launch, accounting for over half (51%) of all campaigns on the Nativo Self-Service Platform.

“The self-service advertisers who have been onboarded since the feature launched have shown substantial adoption of Campaign Quick Setup. In fact, 82% of campaigns created by new platform users in the past six months have been created using the feature,” said Casey Wuestefeld, vice president of platform operations at Nativo. “The digital advertising industry has faced several challenges over the last few months, and the substantial momentum we’re seeing with Campaign Quick Setup underscores the fact that advertisers are demanding optimization strategies while budgets remain more stringent than usual. Simplifying the campaign process from start to finish offers advertisers and agencies the flexibility to respond to the constantly shifting landscape at a moment’s notice.”

Nativo’s Campaign Quick Setup feature streamlines the process of setting up and receiving approval on an advertiser profile, campaign, budget and creative assets into one seamless workflow. With back-end defaults, the feature enables advertisers with little experience in native to run high-performing campaigns automatically and in a short time frame based on Nativo best practices and historical campaign data.

The Campaign Quick Setup feature also enables publishers to grow qualified site traffic and monetization through the Nativo Self-Service Platform. It eliminates traditional redundancies and practices that can be time consuming, and allows advertisers on the Nativo Self-Service Platform to focus on driving meaningful results.

To learn more about Nativo’s Self-Service Platform and its Campaign Quick Setup feature, visit


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