What’s New: Contextual Targeting

James Vakula, director of media solutions at Nativo, breaks down why brands should start testing out contextual targeting.

Over the past few years contextual advertising and targeting has experienced a renaissance. New developments have reinvented this tried and true marketing tactic into a completely cookieless format that can create nuanced ad placements optimized for consumer engagement.

Contextual targeting uses content  — not cookies  —  to reach consumers. Using key terms, visual attention and semantic data, brands can accurately place their ads alongside content where consumers are exhibiting indicators of heightened intent. In our latest Natively Speaking video, James Vakula, director of media solutions for Nativo, breaks down what brands need to know about contextual targeting as we enter a cookieless future.

For more information on contextual targeting, check out our additional resources:


James VakulaDirector, Media Solutions, Nativo
James VakulaDirector, Media Solutions, Nativo


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