Diverse-Owned Media Is Having A Moment. Let’s Make Sure It’s More.

By Michael Riley, SVP, Partnerships and Global Client Innovation – Nativo

In recent years, there’s been a tremendous push among brands and businesses to increase their investments in diverse-owned media. From an advertiser perspective, the reasons and benefits of doing so are numerous. Over time, the hope is that these efforts will lead to much-needed systemic change within the media landscape and representation within it. 

For diverse-owned media outlets, the increased interest and investment have been a boon, with overall spend on diverse-owned media growing at an 80% annual rate from 2020 to 2022. Such sudden and intense focus can feel like a bit of a gold rush. However, it is important to remember that the whole point of this elevation of diverse-owned media is to lay the foundation for sustainable change. Both advertisers and diverse-owned media outlets need to act accordingly. 

For diverse-owned media outlets, the elevated awareness of the importance of varied voices in media is an opportunity. But it also brings challenges, hidden among the details.

Read the full article on DigitalContentNext.org


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