How a Tourism Board Engaged Diverse Travelers with Curated Content Through Nativo

Nativo partnered with a tourism board to create tailor-made content aimed at fostering engagement among Black travelers


A tourism board came to Nativo looking for a solution to attract more diverse travelers, with a focus on driving engagement among Black travelers.


Nativo increased the brand’s spend and delivery across Black-owned publishers, distributing curated content that highlighted African-American culture leading up to and throughout Juneteenth.


Nativo was able to drive significant improvement of the Tourism Board's engagement among diverse travelers:

  • 75 secs Average Time Spent on Content – 2.5x Above Benchmark
  • 4.15% Call-to-Action Rate – 1.4x Above Benchmark


Distributing curated content that speaks to Black travel engagers' specific interests drove a 150% lift in time spent on content and a 38% increase in call-to-action rate.

See what's possible with Nativo. Fill out the form below to schedule a free demo with one of our dedicated experts.


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