Is Your Beautiful Content Going into a Black Hole?

By Sarah Dale, Chief Revenue Officer - Nativo

AiThority | September 25, 2023 A recent study found that 75 percent of online content from brands gains zero marketing traction—and yet the resources being invested in such content are tremendous. It’s estimated that 7.5 million blog posts are published every day, with an average of 4-6 hours being put into the creation of each one. That’s 32.5 lifetimes being wasted every single day on content that’s not getting seen.

Marketers are often energized and inspired by the creative brainstorming that fuels powerful content marketing—but all of that energy and inspiration means nothing if it just ends up sitting on your own site. In order to run an efficient content plan, marketers need to put the same amount of effort into their distribution plans that they do into the creation of their content.

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