5 Key Takeaways for Your 2023 Content Strategy

Travelers need a variety of content- engage your audience with content that inspires and educates.

In our most recent travel webinar, "A New Era of Eat, Pray, Love: How to Engage & Influence the 2023 Traveler", we dive into which types of branded content have the most influence, how approaches should differ across travel categories, and what it looks like to activate an effective content strategy based on original travel insights. Here are five takeaways we believe are key to your 2023 content strategy:

  1. Invest in evergreen educational and inspirational content. Have a foundation of informative content, but invest more effort and attention into the stories that linger long after information becomes outdated.
  2. Celebrate what makes you different. Be louder about what makes you unique. Celebrate what makes you different, and show how different audiences can enjoy your destination through that lens.
  3. Expand Your Audience. Trust contextual targeting to explore, expand and redefine what your audience is in this new era of travel. 
  4. Share Some Local Love. Destinations looked local during the pandemic. Don’t forget about them now that travel has reopened. Continue to dedicate a portion of your efforts to engaging your local audiences. 
  5. Extend the lifecycle of your content. Be smarter about where your content goes once it is published - whether it’s blog or social content your team is creating, have a distribution plan in place that extends the life cycle of that content and gets more eyes engaging with it. 

Travelers need a variety of content- engage your audience with content that inspires and educates. Download our graphic on 3 strategies to engage and influence the 2023 traveler.

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