[Watch] Nativo Discussion: Publisher Sales Enablement

Nativo sits down with Beeler.Tech to discuss how publishers can leverage technology to build a sustainable business selling sponsored content.

Earlier this month, Nativo's Eugene Cherny, SVP of Product, had the opportunity to sit down (virtually) with Rob Beeler, CEO of Beeler.Tech, to discuss how publishers can build a repeatable sponsored content business. During this demo and discussion, Eugene and Rob addressed how publishers can leverage their content expertise with existing brand assets and underlying technology to streamline workflows and empower a publisher's sales initiatives.

Notable Highlights from the Discussion


"If you want something very specific to the publisher that has the magic pixie dust of that publisher's brand - a 300x250 isn't going to do that for you."

- Eugene Cherny

Speaking to the importance of content and creative optimization strategies, Eugene said:

"I can put a celebrity’s name in the headline and get people to click, but that won't drive engagement with the content."


Eugene was hinting that standard CTR optimization does not always drive the best results for advertisers. Optimizations should focus on engagement post-click — which is only possible when the publisher controls the landing page experience.

Speaking to the simplicity of working with a technology partner:

"If I am a publisher not doing this today, you can help fill the new [sponsored content] slots, while I ramp up direct sales today programmatically."

- Rob Beeler

Ready to watch the full discussion?

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Want to learn more about how to leverage content to improve sales?

Download our latest eBook, “Content, the Once & Future-Proof King,” to learn more about the rise of content and the role publishers can play in a brand’s marketing strategy.

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