Path to Prioritizing Direct: Immersive Content

Finding tools to streamline the process and minimize the need for additional resources will help scale and improve the profitability of sponsored content programs.

Earlier this year we discussed on digital content next, the importance of prioritizing direct demand. But in doing this publishers who focus on sponsored content, may require additional investment in operations and infrastructure to support new business. 

65% of people are visual learners. That’s a considerable amount of people - and a lot of folks who might be missing your message if you’re not incorporating engaging elements into your content. We have found that incorporating these immersive experiences can generate up to 1.3x greater time spent on content compared to traditional branded content.

Currently creating immersive content is a heavy burden on a publisher or agency. It is time consuming and resource dependent requiring expertise in HTML and design. Current tools are often difficult to learn and use, and often not suited for novice users. These limitations prevent publishers and agencies scaling lucrative and engaging interactive content. Finding tools to streamline the process and minimize the need for additional resources will help publishers scale and improve the profitability of these programs.

Nativo’s Design Blocks offer a better way to create high-impact Native Articles even if you aren't a designer and don't know HTML. Design Blocks provide publishers with pre-designed components that empower their entire team to create immersive content that captures attention and inspires action.

Create Interactive Content With or Without HTML

  • Leverage pre-formatted, pre-designed templates for creative flexibility, right out of the box.
  • Make complex, tedious tasks easier by streamlining the formatting and design process.

High-impact Design

  • Access to out of the box Design Blocks with fully adjustable background colors, images and layouts
  • Full-bleed or centered layouts
  • Custom CTAs and buttons that inspire user action

Featured Case Study

TAN Delivers 24% Increase In Qualified Website Traffic With The Nativo Ad Platform

The Attention Network (TAN) sought new strategies to scale the development and execution of branded content and increase engagement while maintaining their mission: to preserve, rather than interrupt, consumers’ digital experience.

To support their 2021 initiatives, Nativo worked with TAN to implement new technologies that would solve two major pain points:

  • Building immersive content experiences
  • Improving and measuring engagement with branded content


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