[Product Updates] Make Your Content Pop…Literally

Recent updates to the Nativo Platform include animations, campaign alert emails, and more.
[Product Updates] Make Your Content Pop…Literally

Fun fact: 65% of people are visual learners. That’s a considerable amount of people - and a lot of folks who might be missing your message if you’re not incorporating visual elements into your content.

What this means for you: If you want to make your content stand out and resonate with readers, you might need to throw in a little pizzazz. See how we’re making doing just that a bit easier (and more secure) with recent updates to the Nativo Platform.

Make your content pop…literally

Build immersive storytelling experiences that capture consumer attention with animations. Available for images as well as Design Blocks, this premium tool brings a unique experience to your Native Article to help attract and convert consumers with engaging, dynamic CTAs and more.

Keep your Nativo account secure

Increased password security measures and a more streamlined two-factor authentication process on the Nativo Platform make securing your account as easy as one, two - well, you know. If you’re a premium publisher customer, you have an added advantage:  access to 2 major upgrades, Teams and SSO.

Easier campaign management with new alerts

Ready to Try: Quickly correct issues preventing your campaign from serving with new campaign alerts delivered directly to your inbox. These new alerts keep you completely in control of campaign delivery - leading to stronger campaigns - by sending you a note when there’s an issue.

Customer Spotlight

How Nativo helped A360media drive 10x lift in revenue

A360media, which owns and operates the leading celebrity and health & fitness media brands in the country, leveraged the Nativo Ad Platform to replace their current ad platform and Google Ad Manager for sales enablement, improve efficiency, and prioritize demand.


Tips & Tricks

How automation can help any publisher compete in digital advertising. Find out how.

Bridging the Gap Between Awareness and Action: Using Branded Content to Influence Decision Making. Watch the webinar recording now.

100+ Content Marketing Trends And Predictions For Success In 2022. Read an (almost) endless supply of 2022 content advice.

New & Noteworthy

About 80% of consumers are spending the same or more of their time reading or watching content.* Learn how to capture their attention with innovative ad formats, like Stories.

Easily QA your campaign. Make sure your campaign launches on time by exporting a media plan.

*2022 Nativo Consumer Sentiment Survey.

Want information on these updates and more?  

Send a note to your Platform Success Manager for additional details, or visit our Resource Center to learn how to expertly launch and manage sponsored content campaigns for yourself.



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