eBook: Bridging The Gap Between Awareness and Action

Using branded content to influence decision making

Branded content is one of the most versatile and powerful tools in a marketer’s arsenal, and everything from tone to format to call-to-actions to interactive elements is an opportunity to tailor your messaging, deepen your resonance and influence consumer decision-making. If you want to influence consumer decision-making, the mid-funnel is where you need to be.

Download our eBook to learn how to:

  • Identify the 3 distinct consumer segments
  • Understand the tone and format needed for each user segment

Check out our on-demand webinar to learn more now!


Predictive Audiences 101

5 Reasons to Use Video to Reach Gen Z

Video stands out as the most engaging content medium among Gen Z

Content Marketing 101

Why Content Is Becoming More Reliable Than Search Engines for Consumers and How You Can Leverage This for Your Brand or Business

How content and social media is becoming the new reliable way for consumers to make informed purchase decisions over search

Content Marketing 101

How to Get Ahead of Holiday Shopping: Benefits of Early Activation

Maximize your impact during this festive season