The Beauty Of (Demand) Variety

Direct access to specific inventory is attractive to buyers, but many need scale. As a result, publishers need backfill demand for unsold inventory.

Nobody likes change, but everybody loves variety. Now more than ever, we live in a world that offers an endless amount of options for food delivery, online shopping and even dating. It should come as no surprise that the online advertising industry strives for choice as well, especially as it pertains to inventory monetization.

Historically, direct sales has been a top priority for publishers. Beginning with display, publisher sales teams learned to evolve with ever-changing inventory formats from video, native and even digital out-of-home. While direct access to specific inventory can be attractive to buyers in certain cases, many need and look for scale. As such, the vast majority of publishers need backfill demand for unsold inventory.

Nativo specializes in native, but we haven’t stopped there. We realize that publishers need more: more demand, more flexibility, more control. We take a holistic approach to ensuring publishers have access to multi-format demand options to meet individualized goals and ultimately maximize yield. The flexibility of our platform makes it easy for publishers to choose the demand formats that fit their monetization needs.

Here are a couple of examples to illustrate this flexibility:

  1. Publisher A might be looking for premium native demand and the ability to consolidate 3rd party native exchanges and client-side bidders into their auction. Nativo Premium and Client-side Demand would be the best setup for Publisher A.
  2. Publisher B just needs backfill, but ideally would be able to access premium demand from Nativo’s direct sales efforts, or other trusted publishers within Nativo’s network. However, they are also willing to accept 3rd-party programmatic demand. Publisher B would opt into Nativo Premium, Content Amplification and nativeRTB.

As you can see, there are no rules - just choices.

We continue to build towards offering even more demand formats in the near future (hint: the advertising format OG). We do understand that sometimes too much of a good thing can be overwhelming. In those instances, just let us know. Our team is here to help craft the best demand strategy for your tailored needs.

In the meantime, take a look at our current Demand Channel options below.


For more information on Nativo’s Demand Channels, contact your Account Manager or reach out to us here.


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